Running Reports, Interfaces and other External Applications


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Mandatory Prerequisites

Prior to running Reports and Interfaces, refer to the following Topics:

Screenshot: Reports and Interfaces


Report and Interface Items Group list: this is a selection list of the Report and Interface Items Groups. Click a Group to display the Report and Interface Items linked to that Group in the Report and Interface Items table. Click the All option to display all Report and Interface Items.


Report and Interface Items table: this is initially populated with all the Report and Interface Items previously nominated as the Favourites for the User.

How Do I : Run a Report, Interface or other External Application

  1. Find the required Report, Interface or other External Application by selecting from the Report and Interface Item Group list.
  2. Double click the desired row in the Report and Interface Item table to run it.

How Do I : Nominate or Remove a Report, Interface or other External Application as a Favourite for the User

  1. Single click the desired row to nominate (or remove) the Report, Interface or other External Application as a Favourite.
  2. Toggle the Status-bar indicator: Favourite to nominate this row as a Favourite.

Favourites are highlighted with an icon at the start of the row.

How Do I : Preview a Report

  1. If the desired row has a report preview icon to the left of the name, single click the row to preview.

Related Topics

Reports and Interfaces are associated with the following topics: